
SHUKRAN book release

Sussex is nowadays home to a good number of Syrian families who have escaped the dangers in their home country to find sanctuary here. They bring with them elements of culture which it is a joy to share, such as their music, dance and food. This book has been compiled by Village of Sanctuary with…


2019 Round Up

More than 4 years on from the sad, public death of little Aylan Kurdi new images of misery for people driven to desperate measures to escape war or famine still arrive daily. The refugee crisis is still with us and will continue for so long as wars and climate change continue to make life intolerable…


Intensely Moving, Emotional, and Yet Inspirational

These were the kinds of comments we heard over and over again, as people left the hall after the afternoon event, ‘Conversations with Refugees’ , hosted by Village of Sanctuary on Saturday, 16 March 2019. 51 people in total came to hear first-hand the personal stories of three refugees who had had to flee their…


The Refugee Crisis

There are today more refugees and displaced people across the world than ever before, with little indication that this crisis will do anything but grow. Countries fortunate enough not to suffer from war, famine or other causes for displacement must surely share their better fortune with people who have lost everything through no fault of…